AKIPRESS.COM – 13-year-old Arsen Bolotbekov has been named the Best Player at the volleyball tournament among teenagers in the city of Kaindy. He is a 7th-grade student at Secondary School No. 3.
Every year for 23 years, sponsors organize a volleyball tournament among teenagers in Panfilov district. The first round takes place in villages, and the winners participate in the district tournament, where 16 teams compete.
Winners among girl teams: 1st place – Kaindy Secondary School No. 3; 2nd place – Voznesenovka Secondary School; 3rd place – School-Lyceum No. 1 named after Kazachenko.
Winners among boys: 1st place – Kaindy Secondary School No. 3; 2nd place – Voznesenovka Secondary School; 3rd place – Secondary School named after Jumagulov.
The distinguished players were awarded titles.
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