What Became Of The First Black Ranger Following The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Regardless of whether storylines are considered canon, Zack Taylor, the original Black Ranger, remained a significant figure in the Power Rangers universe even after leaving the team midway through Mighty Morphin. As they contributed to the creation of what would grow to be a gigantic 30-year epic, the five angsty teens first presented in Mighty Morphin episode 1 will always rank among the greatest characters in the Power Rangers universe. Even though the current chronology ended with Power Rangers Cosmic Fury, Once & Always got to revisit beloved characters like Zack first.

For fans of strong continuity, watching Power Rangers from the beginning to the end can be discouraging because practically every season since Zordon’s death stands alone. Nevertheless, the legacy of the original Power Rangers persisted beyond Mighty Morphin thanks to crossover episodes, legacy seasons, and special appearances. Zack, portrayed by Walter Emanuel Jones, was a major character in Once & Always, although he did not return to the show following MMPR. The comic book version of the Black Ranger’s narrative differs from the television adaptation, which didn’t properly revisit Zack for thirty years.

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