BOOM! Studios Reprints Amy Jo Johnson’s Power Rangers Comic in Two Prints

A second printing of BOOM! Studios’ debut issue of Mighty Power Rangers: The Return is forthcoming.

BOOM! declared on its website that MMPR: The Return #1 would be returning to the printers after selling out at the distributor levMMPR: The Return is written by original Pink Ranger Amy Jo Johnson and co-writer Matt Hotson. Together with illustrator Nico Leon, colorist Francesco Segala, color assistant Gloria Martinelli, and letterer Ed Dukeshire, the writing team collaborates on a limited four-issue series.

In an alternate reality where Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd were vanquished by our heroes, The Return is set decades after the events of the first Mighty Morphin Power Rangers television series. But this was a pyrrhic victory, and the Rangers parted ways with one another.

The remaining Rangers get together to “mourn the losses of beloved friends, but Zack and Billy have some unexpected information to share:” 22 years after they split up. Jason, the Red Ranger who has been acting alone as a vigilante for a long time, hasel. The second edition, which has a new cover by Dan Mora, should arrive in comic book stores in early March. The older, more experienced Jason Lee Scott from the series is featured prominently on Mora’s cover.


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