Cleveland 3-Team Alliance Partnership and United Way of Greater Cleveland commemorate 211 Day together.

Cleveland: On February 11, 2024, United Way of Greater Cleveland will observe 211 Day. The annual celebration honors the three-digit number (211) that provides millions of individuals in the US and Canada, including those residing in Northeast Ohio, with access to the resources they require around-the-clock, every day of the year.

For community members looking for thorough information about local services, United Way 211 is an essential resource. Professionals with the expertise and empathy to assist our friends in Cuyahoga and Geauga counties in finding the resources they require and, in the process, contribute to the development of stronger communities power this free and private service.

In 2023, 120,654 community residents called United Way 211 Navigators for assistance. These calls helped people with health care, veteran’s programs, food, housing, and utility assistance.

United Way is happy to announce that the Browns, Cavaliers, and Guardians have joined up to form the Cleveland 3-Team Alliance (CL3), and that partnership will be part of 211 Day. By leveraging Cleveland’s sports teams’ strong brand awareness in the neighborhood, the relationship will enhance the many resources that United Way 211 offers the community. The organizations will also collaborate to further the goal of 3-Team Alliance, which is to use sport as a vehicle for long-lasting, revolutionary social change in Northeast Ohio.

Ken Surratt, Chief Development and Investment Officer at United Way, said, “We are excited to work with CL3 to help our community better understand how United Way 211 connects people to vital resources in our community.



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