Greetings from the mock drafting land once again! The OBR Browns Daily Mock Draft — Day 2 — 2/9/202 for 2024 begins today.

We made it back for a second day my fellow Cleveland Browns fans! If you missed the first day of mock coverage make sure to go back and find it as we embark on another year’s journey to identify some fun draft prospects for your Browns in 2024. The mock show goes on

While it does suck immensely to once again be without a first-round pick last year, and the year before that, we push forward with the best coverage you will find of the NFL Draft in the local market. The Browns still have picks that matter so we will be doing our best to update this daily and provide names we think fit with your favorite franchise.

So, from the depth of the draft grave, we return to provide you fine folks of the OBR the coverage you so rightfully deserve.

Some updates and reminders for this year’s draft coverage. First, we WILL be doing the in-depth Weekly Mock Draft draft season along with the Daily. Also, we will only be running the Daily Monday through Friday this year, for several reasons. First, we have Four Saturday Mocks to fill our mock draft obsession on that day. Second, with several nights of live coverage on Twitch, including a Live Mock Draft every Monday night (beginning the first week of February), it was simply going to be too much, because we want to be able to continue to provide the level of draft coverage you’ve come to expect.

Other than that, all will remain familiar. We will rotate through the various mock draft simulators around the interwebs each day, take different approaches through Free Agency, and shift the positional targets and their order, all in an effort to provide as many possibilities to consider as we can, so we’re all prepared for any eventuality when the last weekend in April arrives.

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