What Became Of The First Blue Ranger Following The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Among the most prominent figures in the franchise, Billy Cranston, the first Blue Ranger from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, still has a big influence on the Power Rangers universe even after the original program ended. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will always rank among the best of the series, even though the narrative has seen other Power Rangers. Some of them returned in other series and even mentored new teams, so their influence extended beyond the first few seasons of Power Rangers.

Billy, played by David Yost, was the only one of the original five Power Rangers to stay on Mighty Morphin until the very last episode of the series. Billy’s journey would continue in Zeo, where a lot of changes were made to both his personal and superhero lives. Billy’s post-Earth adventures with the Power Rangers have helped to fill in some of the blanks of his life after leaving Earth. Billy most recently appeared in Power Rangers Cosmosmic Fury, which celebrated the legacy of the original Blue Ranger with Once & Always.

For the first time since the show’s beginning, the Power Rangers changed their colors and outfits after the main level of the Command Center was destroyed and the Zeo crystals were introduced. Power Rangers shifted to another Super Sentai show and restarted the tale after three seasons in which the show primarily used footage from Zyuranger. The series featured a fresh roster of Rangers colors, even though the majority of the Mighty Morphin characters—aside from Aisha—returned for Zeo. For instance, Tommy changed into Zeo Red Ranger, so Rocky, the former Mighty Morphin Red Ranger, had to take on a new form.

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