Meet Ahlawat asleep, he wakes up to flowers on his table and cake which reads I Love You. Meet Ahlawat thinks its Meet who has done this for him and says I love you Meet. Meet Ahlawat messages her, I loved the surprise come see me I am missing you.
Masum sees Neelu doing household work and decides to show Neelu, Meet and Meet Ahlawats video and thinks I won’t let Meet live in peace in this house.
Ragini walks to Ishani and says have something, you didn’t eat anything yesterday as well and had thrown away food. Ishani says stop this drama and leave, your fake love won’t help me. Babita walks in and says how dare you talk to your mom’s friend in this tone and why misbehave this way, what happened. Ishani says to her will you punish my culprit, no you won’t right and be strong because the truth may hurt you. Ragini gets scared and says Ishani tell me whats wrong. Ishani says as if you care and leaves. Babita says Ragini she is so weird, she is so upset and angry all the time. Ragini says she is just upset, she is not bad. Babita says she has no respect for elders. Ragini says I will manage you don’t worry.
Meet walks in Meet Ahlawat’s room and thinks he has brought cake and flower to surprise her. Meet Ahlawat hugs her and thanks her for surprise. Meet says I didn’t do this I thought you did this for me. Meet Ahlawat says who gave me this then.
Masum walks to Neelu and says you and bhai came late yesterday, where did you go for romantic dinner. Neelu gets scared. Masum says I know you are lying because I saw Meet Ahlawat with Meet and I have clicked their photos, see here they are. Neelu sees photos, Masum keeps triggering Neelu and says you are the daughter in law here and no one has this right, Meet Ahlawat is your husband and even Mom stopped them and you are supporting them and ruining your happiness, and Meet anyways won’t leave any chance to be close to Meet Ahlawat look how close she is to him. Neelu gets angry and pics gardening tool and about to attack Masum from behind, Babita calls Masum and Masum leaves.
Meet asks Meet Ahlawat did he lock the room, Meet Ahlawat says yes. Meet says only me and Neelam have keys so is it Neelam. Meet Ahlawat says why would she do this. Meet says I know she won’t but I think we should ask her and also ask about rapist. Meet says we will ask her later when she calms down about the rapist but lets ask about cake and flowers. Meet Ahlawat says does she have feelings for me, Meet says we never tried understanding her feelings come lets talk to her.
Neelu near temple, Meet and Meet Ahlawat walk to her and say we wanted to talk to you something and don’t be scared, and don’t get offended and promise me you will tell us the truth if you trust us. Neelu nods yes. Meet asks Neelu her feelings for Meet Ahlawat. Neelu ignores question, Meet stops her and says Neelu for sake of Meet Ahlawat tell us the truth and I promise, your answer won’t affect our relation and having feelings is normal and so did you send cake abd flowers in Meet Ahlawat’s room. Neelu gets scared and starts crying. Meet Ahlawat says Meet stop it, its getting awkward. Meet says tell me Neelu, do you love Meet Ahlawat. Neelu says yes, I have feelings and love Meet Ahlawat, I tried hard but couldn’t stop myself for falling for him and yes I sent him flowers and cake.

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