What will the names of these Power Rangers be?


One enemy is taking advantage of a Power Rangers flaw. Power Rangers has gone through various variations over the last 30 years, and the list continues to grow with the introduction of Rangers in BOOM! Studios’ comic franchise. However, this ever-expanding list has caused issues both within the universe and creatively.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #116, by Melissa Flores, Adam Gorham, Marco Renna, Joana Lafuente, and Ed Dukeshire, continues the Darkest Hour arc, with Dark Specter using the former Rita Repulsa’s powers to mind-control Rangers from all across the multiverse, gradually assembling an army.

As a result, the more Rangers added to the mix, such as the Drakkon Rangers and the Omega Rangers, the more Vile may expand Dark Specter’s army. This transforms the Rangers universe’s rapid expansion into an urgent threat throughout space and time.

The BOOM! Studios comics have greatly increased the number of Rangers, both exclusive to the comics and those who have been on television. With Rangers emerging from many eras, timelines, and universes, the franchise’s character roster has expanded to rival that of the Marvel Comics universe or the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has an infinite number of heroes to pick from. This can be a blessing or a curse. Just as audiences have grumbled about the MCU, Power Rangers may have too many heroes to keep track of within a single common universe.

Having a large number of heroes to select from has numerous benefits for storytelling, but it also encourages the audience to ask too many questions, which can distract from the story being told. Again, using the MCU as an example, whenever Spider-Man faces a global or multidimensional threat, spectators can’t help but wonder, “Where are The Avengers?” or “Why doesn’t he call The Avengers for help?” Similarly, readers may ask why present Rangers don’t rely on Rangers from previous eras for assistance more frequently. Now, Darkest Hour offers a solution: turn many of them bad.

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