Even though Halle Berry and David Justice were divorced 24 years ago, the allegations that were sparked by their contentious breakup still plague the former all-star for the Atlanta Braves.
“Over the past 20 years, I’ve heard people saying, ‘Isn’t that the dude who hit Halle Berry in the head?’” he told PEOPLE.
After the divorce, Justice kept on his baseball career, earning two World Series pennants and the 2000 ALCS MVP title. However, despite his impressive performance, he was nonetheless heckled by fans who believed he had mistreated his well-known ex-wife. “They’d scream, ‘Hey Justice, hit the ball like you hit Halle!’” he recalled.
Rebecca, his present spouse, was also aware of the stories prior to their relationship but decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. They were married in 2001. Sadly, Justice claims that the majority of people “believe everything they read,” citing the recent flight attendant who approached him and said, “Aren’t you the guy who hit Halle Berry?” as one example.
Justice, who has spent the previous 20 years largely mute on the matter, abruptly spoke up this week, bombarding Berry with tweets.
Justice, 49, constantly claimed in the messages—some of which seem to have been erased—that he never hit his ex-wife when they were together. Berry has disclosed in public that she suffered irreversible hearing loss in her left ear from her ex-boyfriend, but she has never identified the guy who mistreated her.
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