Owners in Tennessee contribute $40 million as United Way Week of Caring takes place from June 17–21.

Owners in Tennessee contribute $40 million as United Way Week of Caring takes place from June 17–21.

News - United Way of Bristol

To benefit the United Way of Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia, the 31st annual United Way Week of Caring is set for June 17–21.

According to a prepared statement, the Week of Caring, an annual tradition since 1992, is a week-long event when hundreds of volunteers from nearby businesses will once again show their support for our communities by collaborating with neighborhood health and human service organizations.

Throughout the week, the volunteers will finish agency projects that enhance facilities or offer direct client services.

During the Week of Caring, the majority of partner agencies would not be able to complete these initiatives without the assistance of nearby businesses. A company’s sense of pride, awareness of community needs, and renewed commitment to financially support local United Way initiatives are all enhanced by taking part in the Week of Caring.

“We are ecstatic to have so many amazing businesses and organizations taking part in this year’s Week of Caring,” stated Lorie Bradley, the United Way of Bristol, Tennessee-Virginia’s director of community outreach. “The Week of Caring is a fantastic opportunity for employees of many companies to give back to their community, and many look to the United Way for opportunities to do so.” It’s really wonderful that projects are ongoing around the region for the entire week.

Employees of the following volunteer organizations: Strongwell Corporation, Alpha Metallurgical Resources, Ballad Health, Bank of Tennessee, Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Bristol Motor Speedway, and Bristol Tennessee City Schools.

Girls Inc., Healing Hands Health, Rivers Way, Salvation Army, United Way of Bristol, and the YWCA will all benefit from the Week of Caring programs.

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