The women’s basketball team at John Wood welcomes Alison Schwagmeyer as their new manager…

The women’s basketball team at John Wood welcomes Alison Schwagmeyer as their new manager…


She has experience playing basketball at Camp Point Central and QU. She is eager to lead the Blazer squad now that she is back after playing professionally abroad.

Alison Schwagmeyer-Belger joins the UC Capitals - UC Capitals

“The community of Quincy and the surrounding areas around here, like President Renfro said, it’s basketball country, so I feel like what you put into a program here, the community puts back into you,” Schwagmeyer said. “That is probably the biggest thing I’m most excited about.”

Along with running and coaching 25/8 Mentality, an AAU program with local players, Schwagmeyer is married to her spouse.
Adam Hightower, the acting athletic director, stated that Schwagmeyer’s hiring is a perfect fit.

The plan was to bring in a very skilled coach, and I believe we were able to do that by appointing Aly. In this region of Illinois, her name is highly recognized, and Hightower expressed excitement about what she may accomplish with recruits.

“I think that will be huge for them because I can see the local talent before they get to John Wood that way. We already have a relationship before they come to John Wood and they’ve already known me, I already know them,” Schwagmeyer said.

Being a part of a women’s basketball program at this time is fantastic. Women’s basketball is flourishing, as it should, and all I truly want to do is let individuals in this community know that they can do everything they set their minds to, provided they have the necessary resources and techniques in place.

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