Atmospheric Scientists Uncover the Plot Point of “Twisters” That Will Decide Whether or Not to Stop a Tornado…

Tornadoes appear around the world, but are most common in the United States. They have also served as important story points for movies during the previous 100 years. One of the most well-known is perhaps Twister, the 1996 blockbuster. Now, 28 years later, a sort of follow-up movie called Twisters is playing in theaters and capitalizes on the same enigmatic allure that tornadoes provide. The main idea of Twisters is that, in some way, chemicals can be thrown into a tornado by people in order to absorb the tropical moisture that creates these storms and close the funnel.
The most recent fictional investigation into cloud management is called Twisters. Storm manipulates the weather to fight in X-Men. There are weather modification systems in Star Trek. The Jetsons also feature the concept. However, how much of the Twisters film is grounded in factual science? According to two meteorologists with whom we spoke, there is a lot of wishful thinking.
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