Breaking News: Authorities issue a Potential warning about burnt regions in the Oregon Cascades and fatal landslides in canyons…..

Authorities issue a warning about burnt regions in the Oregon Cascades and fatal landslides in….. canyons….

Geologists warn of potentially 'destructive landslides' across Oregon  Cascades this weekend

Oregon’s Portland (KPTV) – The National Weather Service has issued a flash flood watch for parts of the Oregon Cascades in Lane, Marion, and Linn counties for Saturday afternoon and evening, officials said on Friday.

Starting in the afternoon on Saturday and lasting until late Saturday night, is the watch.

The NWS anticipates significant rain in the area, which could result in debris flows close to regions burnt by the most recent wildfires and landslides on steep slopes, according to the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

On Saturday, August 16, Greg discusses the growing likelihood of thunderstorms in the Portland and Salem metro areas with NWS Meteorologist Daniel Hartsock.
Debris flows are destructive landslides that, according to officials, can easily move a mile or more and hurl stones and logs down steep hillsides and through tight gorges faster than a person can run.

Authorities issued the following warning: There may be a major risk to persons, property, and highways near the mouths of canyons and below steep slopes:

Remain vigilant. Follow the flood watch online, on TV, or on the radio. If instructed to leave, do so right away.
Pay attention. Unusual noises, such the breaking of trees or the collision of rocks, could be signs of moving debris. Larger landslides may be preceded by a small stream of falling mud or debris.

Leave right away if you believe there is a chance of a landslide.
Observe the water. A stream or creek will indicate that the flow has been impacted upstream if it becomes muddy abruptly or if the volume of water flowing changes unexpectedly. You ought to get out of there right away.
Exercise extra caution when traveling. Assume there is unsafe driving. When driving, especially at night, pay attention. Roadside embankments may collapse, allowing rock and other debris to fall onto the pavement.

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