Tornado News: At least Thirty people were evacuated from a bus in Wilton after flooding.

Tornado News: At least Thirty people were evacuated from a bus in Wilton after flooding…

Ida Tornadoes Flash Flood Emergency Mid-Atlantic

Thirty people were evacuated from a bus in Wilton after flooding.

A CT transit bus got stuck trying to turn around on Seeley Road on August 18, 24, during the storm’s floodwaters.

The bus encountered a flooded piece of road at the Seeley Rd railroad crossing, which further obstructed its path due to the crossing gates’ faulty, stuck-down position.

The bus encountered an area of flooded road at the Seeley Road railroad crossing, which obstructed its path further. Additionally, the crossing gates were stuck in the down position, indicating a malfunction, according to the police.

The bus carried about thirty people, all of whom had to disembark into the flooded road.

All of the passengers and the bus driver were transported by two cops to the Cannondale Train Station, where they were picked up by a second bus, according to the police. They also received assistance from a mother and son pair who live on Seeley Road.

The Wilton police wanted to express their appreciation to everyone who stepped forward to assist them and the locals amid the record flooding.

They remarked, “We are grateful to our residents for their patience and understanding as they witnessed the unexpected and severe toll that this storm took on our first responders and EOC management.” “We also want to send our condolences and prayers to everyone in the state who lost loved ones, businesses, and homes due to this storm’s devastation.”

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